Main features

Headphone-style USB memory player

-Highly portable with the player built into the headphones

-Skip-proof operation

Up to 120 minutes of music can be stored in a 128-MB “pavit” and 240 minutes in a 256-MB “pavit.”*

MP3 files on your computer are sent to the “pavit” by simple and easy operations using the supplied “Music Transfer pavit Edition” software.

The “pavit” connects directly to the USB port on your computer for high-speed data transfer.

You can also store a variety of data other than MP3 files in the new-generation USB storage media “pavit.”

*The time length varies according to the bit rate used when encoding MP3 files. The times indicated here are for 128-kbps MP3 files.


Music you record is limited to private use only. Any other use requires the permission of the copyright holders.

Sony is not liable for incomplete data transfer or damaged data due to problems of this product or your computer.
