Master: Right
Additional Information
SpecificationsSystem requirements for
your computer
To use your computer with the
Digital Voice Editor software
To use your computer with the Digital
Voice Editor software, see “System
requirements” on page 67.
To use your computer without
the Digital Voice Editor software
To use your computer with the IC recorder
without the Digital Voice Editor so ftware,
or to use the IC recorder as a USB mass
storage device, your computer must meet
the operating system requirements and port
environment described below.
Operating systems:
–Window s® 7 Ultimate
–Window s® 7 Professional
–Window s® 7 Home Premium
–Window s® 7 Home Basic
–Window s® 7 Starter
–Windows Vista® Ultimate Service Pack 1
or higher
–Windows Vista® Business Service Pack 1
or higher
–Windows V ista® Home Premium Service
Pack 1 or higher
–Windows Vista® Home Basic Service
Pack 1 or higher
–Window s® XP Media Center Edition
2005 Service Pack 3 or higher
–Window s® XP Media Center Edition
2004 Service Pack 3 or higher
–Window s® XP Media Center Edition
Service Pack 3 or higher
–Window s® XP Professional Service Pack
3 or higher
–Window s® XP Home Edition Service
Pack 3 or higher
–Window s® 2000 Professional Service
Pack 4 or higher
–Mac OS X (v10.2.8-v10.6)
When you are using Windows®
2000 Professional
Install the driver in the Application
Software, Digital Voice Editor (CD-ROM).
• Operation is not guaranteed if any opera ting
system other than those indicated on the left
(Windows® 98 or Linux, etc.) is used.