Master: Left
Display Window GuideAFolder indicator
Displays the folder ( , , , ,
or ) you have selected.
BMicrophone sensitivity
Displays the microphone sensitivity.
(high): To record at a meeting or
in a quiet/spacious place.
(low): To record for dictation or in
a noisy place.
CAlarm indicator
Appears when the alarm is set for a
DRepeat play indicator
Appears when a message is played back
ESelected message number
FREC DATE (recorded date) indicator
The recorded date or time is displayed
with the RECDATE indicator.
GREMAIN indicator
When the IC recorder is in the
recording or stop mode, the rem aining
recording time is displayed with the
REMAIN indicator, or when the IC
recorder is in the playback mode, the
remaining time of the current message
is displayed with the REMAIN
HRemaining memory indicator
Displays the remaining memory and
decreases one by one during recording.
IBattery indicator
Displays the remaining battery power.
JRecording mode indicator
Displays the recording mode set using
the menu when the IC recorder is in the
recording or stop mode, and displays
the current recording mode when the IC
recorder is in the playback mode.
SHQ: Super high-quality monaural
recording mode