Other Info
turning on/off 87
using external speakers 87 specifications 107
Standard mode 84 STANDBY LED 16, 106 Steady Sound, described 14 Steady Sound, setting 86 Stereo, MTS setting 86 Stop button 50
surround sound 86
T, UTO CONVERTER jack, described 19 transport buttons 50
treble, adjusting 86 troubleshooting
Twin View button 50
Variable audio setting 87
using with TV remote control 54 with cable box, connecting 32 with cable, connecting 30
with satellite receiver, connecting 38 VCR/DVD FUCTION button 50
VCR/DVD power button 50 Vertical Center, adjusting 89 Vertical Size 89 VHF/UHF jack, described 19
VIDEO (L/R)/AUDIO jacks, described 19 Video Label 96