• For Macintosh

Using MSAC-FD2M <Macintosh>

The Floppy Disk Adaptor Utility software can only be used to download data (images, etc.) from the Floppy Disk Adaptor for Memory Stick (referred to hereafter as the MSAC-FD2M). You cannot use Floppy Disk Adaptor Utility to write data to "Memory Stick"(delete or rename files, format disks, etc.).

Refer to your Macintosh User's Guide for more information on using your Macintosh computer.

Use MSAC-FD2M only when Quick Time is installed.

1 Disable the File Exchange (PC Exchange)

This unit does not operate with File Exchange (PC Exchange) in <enabled> state. Go to the Apple Menu, find [Extensions Manager] in the Control Panels and disable the File Exchange (PC Exchange). Once PC exchange is disabled, it will remain disabled in subsequent startups.


2 Startup

Double click on [MSAC-FD1 Utility] to start.

