Adding video effects
There are several methods available for applying effects to video. Video
•To apply a preset without displaying the Video FX dialog, hold the Shift key while dragging a preset from the Video FX window to a track header, event, or the Video Preview window.
•To move effect controls in fine increments, hold Ctrl while dragging the control.
Adding video effects to an event, track, media file, or project
1.Click the FX button () in the location where you want to add video effects. The Video FX dialog is displayed.
The FX button is displayed in gray when no effects have been applied. Clicking the gray FX button displays the
•Click the Event FX button on a video event to apply an effect to a single event.
•Click the Track FX button on a track header to apply an effect to every event on a track.
•Click the Media FX button in the Project Media window or hold Alt while clicking the Event FX button on an event to apply an effect to every occurrence of a media file in your project (the source media file is not affected).
•Click the Video Output FX button in the Video Preview window to apply an effect to every video event in your project.
2.Click the
Tip: To reorder the
3.Use the Video FX dialog to enable/bypass effects, edit effect parameters, and add/remove effects from a chain.