A network which is accessible only to its members, unlike the Internet which is open to an unlimited number of people. A LAN may be built for different purposes. For example, you can build an office LAN that is accessible only to members of the same department or a home LAN that is accessible only to family members.
Network Name (SSID)A wireless LAN group identifier according to the IEEE 802.11 standard. SSID stands for “Service Set ID”. The Network Name can be set individually for each Access Point and Peer to Peer Network to connect to. When roaming among multiple Access Points is used, all Access Points must be configured for the same Network Name (SSID) and WEP encryption key.
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)TCP/IP is the network communications protocol that is used to communicate over the Internet. TCP is a
IP assembles and addresses data packets for transmission to their network destinations.
WAN (Wide Area Network)A network that interconnects remote LANs through the Internet or telephone lines.
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