3 Click 5GHz Wireless LAN, then click Add/Remove.

The Confirm File Deletion dialog box appears.

4 Click OK.

The program is removed, and the Maintenance Complete dialog box appears.


If the ReadOnly File Detected dialog box appears, click Yes to delete the file.

5 Click Finish.


If the Shared File Detected dialog box appears, it is recommended that you click No and keep shared files.

Windows 2000:


Log on to Windows 2000 as one of the Administrators.

Close all programs before removing the Wireless Panel.

1 From the Start menu, point to Settings, then select Control Panel.

The Control Panel appears.

2 Double-click Add/Remove Programs.

Add/Remove Programs appears.

3 Click 5GHz Wireless LAN, then click Change/Remove.

The Confirm File Deletion dialog box appears.

4 Click OK.

The program is removed, and the Maintenance Complete dialog box appears.


If the ReadOnly File Detected dialog box appears, click Yes to delete the file.

setup Software