Indicates whether the data is encrypted or not.
Displays the network channel that is currently being used by the network.
2 Network List button / Network Registration button
Windows Me/2000:Network List
When none of the networks on the list is selected, this button appears as Network List. Clicking the Network List button opens the Network List box, allowing you to add or remove networks from the list.
Network Registration
If one of the networks in the Network List is selected, this button changes to Network Registration. Clicking the Network Registration button opens the Network Registration box, allowing you to register a new network or change the connection method and settings of the selected network.
You can also display the Wireless Network Registration dialog box by double- clicking a network from the list.
Windows XP:
When the computer is connected to a wireless network:
Clicking the Network List button displays the Network Connections window. Then, if you want to add or remove networks,
When the computer is not connected to a wireless network:
(In this case, “Wireless Network connection * ” in the Network Connections window is indicated with an “X”.)
Clicking the Network List button displays the Network Connections window. Then, if you want to add or remove networks,
This number varies according to conditions) to display the Connect to Wireless Network dialog box.