Setup Menu
Chapter 7 Menus
031 RECORDING FORMAT Set the recording format.
HD422: HD422
420HQ: HD420HQ
420SP: HD420SP
IMX50(IMX50Mbps): MPEG IMX 50 Mbps b)
IMX40(IMX40Mbps): MPEG IMX 40 Mbps b)
IMX30(IMX30Mbps): MPEG IMX 30 Mbps b)
033 BATTERY END VOLTAGE Sets the voltage to shut down the unit in the battery operation. The battery
near end indicator flashes at +0.7 V of the set voltage.
10.5V to 13.5V: 10.5 V to 13.5 V in 0.5 V unit.
Specify whether to display the setup menu status at the left edge of the
status display line when setup menu item 005 “DISPLAY INFORMATION
SELECT” is set to “T&sta”.
dis (disable): Do not display.
ena (enable): Display. (The display is visible only when no disc is loaded,
and during insertion and ejection of a disc.)
035 CLIP TITLE NAMING SELECT Specify whether to allow user definition of the titles assigned to clips.
off: Do not allow assignment.
on: Allow assignment.
See “Assigning user-defined clip titles” (page107) for more information
about assigning titles.
1 TITLE Specify whether to assign titles to recorded clips.
disable: Do not assign titles to clips.
enable: Assign titles to clips.
2 PREFIX Set the prefix of the title (up to 10 characters). The allowable characters are
alphanumeric characters, symbols (! # $ % & ' ( ) + , - . ; = @ [ ] ^ _ { } ~), a nd
the space character.
3 NUMERIC Set the initial value of the numeric part of the title (00001 to 99999, five-digit
036 FILE NAMING Specify whether to allow use of clip and clip list files with user-defined
See “Alarms relating to audio and video signals” (page165) for details about
how to make the settings.
1 NAMING FORM Specify the clip and clip list naming format. (Specify whether to allow use of
files with user-defined names.)
C****: Standard format (Do not allow use of files with user-defined names)
free: Free format (Allow use of files with user-defined na mes)
2 AUTO NAMING When “free” is selected under the sub-item “NAMING FORM”, specify the
format of the names of clips recorded on this unit. Specify the standard
name format, or the same name as the title listed below, or the name
specified in planning metadata.
C****: Use the standard format for clip names.
title: Use the title set in setup menu item 035 “CLIP TITLE NAMING
SELECT” for clip names.
plan: Use the name specified in planning metadata.
B01 RECALL SETUP BANK-1 Set to “on” to recall menu settings from menu bank 1.
B02 RECALL SETUP BANK-2 Set to “on” to recall menu settings from menu bank 2.
B03 RECALL SETUP BANK-3 Set to “on” to recall menu settings from menu bank 3.
B11 SAVE SETUP BANK-1 Set to “on” to save current menu settings to menu bank 1.
B12 SAVE SETUP BANK-2 Set to “on” to save current menu settings to menu bank 2.
B13 SAVE SETUP BANK-3 Set to “on” to save current menu settings to menu bank 3.
Item number Item name Settings