136 Setup Menu
Chapter 7 Menus
Menu items in the 700s, relating to video control
Item number Item name Settings
703 BLANK LINE SELECT Switch blanking of the video output signal on or off for individual lines in
the vertical blanking interval.
Sub-Item The Y/C signal and odd/even fields are blanked simultaneously.
ALL LINE - - -: Specify the blanking for each line separately.
blnk (blank): Regardless of the setting of other sub-items, blank all lines
which can be specified in this menu item.
thru (throu): Regardless of the setting of other sub-items, switch off
blanking for all lines which can be specified in this menu item.
In 59.94i/
mode (UC)
LINE 12 ...
LINE 19 Specify blanking for lines 12 to 19.
blnk (blank): Carry out blanking.
thru (throu): Switch off blanking.
LINE 20 Specify blanking for line 20.
blnk (blank): Carry out blanking.
half: Carry out half-blanking.
thru (throu): Switch off blanking.
In 59.94i/
mode (J)
LINE 12 …
LINE 20 Specify blanking for lines 12 to 20.
blnk (blank): Carry out blanking.
thru (throu): Switch off blanking.
LINE 21 Specify blanking for line 21.
blnk (blank): Carry out blanking.
half: Carry out half-blanking.
thru (throu): Switch off blanking.
In 50i/50P/25P
mode LINE 9 ...
LINE 22 Specify blanking for lines 9 to 22.
blnk (blank): Carry out blanking.
thru (throu): Switch off blanking.
LINE 23 Specify blanking for line 23.
half: Carry out half-blanking.
thru (throu): Switch off blanking.
MODE Select whether to enable the edge subcarrier reducer (ESR).
on: Enable.
off: Do not enable.
When playing back a composite signal, set this to “on”.
INTERPOLATION OFF The “Y-add” function is normally switched on automatically du ring jog or
variable speed playback. This item selects whether to force the “Y-add”
function off.
auto: Automatically switch the “Y-add” function on.
off (forced YADD off): Force the “Y-add” function off.
The “Y-add” function is off while a disc image is displayed in stop mode
(menu item 108 AUTO EE SELECT is “off”).
The “Y-add” function is a circuit operation to interpolate the video signal
vertically during jog or variable speed playback for the purpose of
reducing the vertical movement of the playback pictu re.
GENERATOR Select the test signal to be output from the internal test signal generator.
When V INPUT on the P1 VIDEO page of the function menu is set to
“SG”, the internal test signal generator operates to output the selected
test signal. This signal can also be recorded.
CB75 (75% Color Bars): 75% color bar signal
CB100 (100% Color Bars): 100% color bar signal
MLTBS (Multi Burst): Multi-burst signal
10STEP (10 steps): 10-step signal
PLSBR (Pulse and Bar): Pulse and bar signal
RAMP (Ramp): Ramp signal
BLACK (Black): Black signal
ARIB CB (ARIB Color Bars): ARIB color bar signal, modify width, 100%
ARIB CB cannot be specified when SD recording i s selected. If ARIB CB
is selected, the selection is changed to CB75 (75% Color Bars).