Setup Menu
Chapter 7 Menus
713 VIDEO SETUP REFERENCE b) Set the video setup amount to be added to the composite output signal (in
59.94i/59.94P/29.97P mode only).
LEVEL In 59.94i/59.94P/
29.97P mode (UC) Add the setup level selected by this item to the output signal.
0.0%, 7.5%
In 59.94i/59.94P/
29.97P mode (J) Add the setup level selected by this item to the output signal.
0.0%, 7.5%
715 VIDEO GAIN CONTROL Adjust the video output level.
2048 to 0 to 848
716 CHROMA GAIN CONTROL Adjust the chroma output level.
2048 to 0 to 848
717 CHROMA PHASE CONTROL Adjust the chroma phase.
128 to 0 to 127
718 SETUP LEVEL (59.94i/59.94P/
29.97P/23.98P mode)/BLACK
LEVEL (50i/50P/25P mode) b)
Adjust the setup level (black level).
272 to 0 to 272
719 SYSTEM PHASE SYNC Adjust the output signal sync phase.
128 to 0 to 127
720 SYSTEM PHASE SC Adjust the output signal subcarrier phase.
0 to 511
723 INPUT VIDEO BLANK a) Switch blanking on or off for lines in the vertical blanking interval of input
video signals. Lines can be specified individually. Y/C signals and odd/
even fields are blanked simultaneously.
Blanking in recorded signals is carried out according to these settings.
1 ALL LINE - - -: Specify the blanking for each line separately.
blnk (blank): Regardless of the settings of other sub-items, blank all lines
which can be specified in this menu item.
thru (throu): Regardless of the settings of other sub-items, switch
blanking off for all lines which can be specified in this menu item.
In 59.94i/59.94P/
29.97P mode Specify blanking for lines 12 to 20.
blnk (blank): Switch blanking on.
thru (throu): Switch blanking off.
In 50i/50P/25P
mode Specify blanking for lines 9, 322 to 22, and 335.
blnk (blank): Switch blanking on.
thru (throu): Switch blanking off.
726 H BLANKING WIDTH Select the horizontal blanking width of the output analog video signal.
narow (narrow) : Digital blanking (narrow)
wide: Analog blanking (wide)
When “wide” is selected, the horizontal blanking width complies with
SMPTE170M, and normally the blanking is widened and the image
becomes narrower. It is recommended to select “narow” at the editing
stage, then later, for broadcast transmission to select “wide”, to output a
signal conforming to the standard. Note, however, that “narow” has to be
always selected for SDI signals.
728 OUTPUT SCH PHASE Set the subcarrier H phase.
–512 (–512 (DEC))... 0 (0 (DEC))... 511 (511 (DEC))
Menu items in the 700s, relating to video control
Item number Item name Settings