Maintenance Menu
Chapter 7 Menus
M461: MENU
Displays the status of the menu bank where the current menu settings are stored.
M462: SAVE
MENU DATA Select whether to temporarily back up (save) setup menu settings before operations such as
software upgrades.
SAVE function button (F5): Back up (save) the settings.
MENU button: Return to next highest menu level without backing up.
M463: LOAD
MENU DATA Select whether to restore (load) setting that were backed up (saved) with the “SAVE MENU
DATA” item.
SAVE function button (F5): Restore (load) the settings.
MENU button: Return to the next highest menu level without restoring.
M47: SETUP BANK4 Select the bank to be stored in menu bank 4, or reset menu bank 4.
CURRENT TO BANK4: Store the current menu settings in menu bank 4.
BANK1 TO BANK4: Store the menu bank 1 settings in menu bank 4.
BANK2 TO BANK4: Store the menu bank 2 settings in menu bank 4.
BANK3 TO BANK4: Store the menu bank 3 settings in menu bank 4.
RESET BANK4: Reset menu bank 4.
M48: AUTO RECALL Select whether to recall settings automatically from a menu bank when the system is
powered on, and if so which menu bank to recall from.
off: Do not recall settings from a menu bank.
from BANK1: Recall settings from menu bank 1.
from BANK2: Recall settings from menu bank 2.
from BANK3: Recall settings from menu bank 3.
from BANK4: Recall settings from menu bank 4.
M49: RESET ALL SETUP Reset the current menu settings to the factory settings.
SAVE function button (F5): Reset.
MENU button: Return to the next highest menu level without resetting.
The system frequency setting is also cleared. If you execute this item, reset the system
frequency (see page 33).
Date and time settings are not cleared, but the time zone setting is cleared. After executing
this item, reset the time zone (see page33).
M5: NETWORK: items relating to network settings
Item Setting
M50: DHCP Set whether to assign an IP address automatically with the DHCP server.
DISABLE: Do not assign automatically.
ENABLE: Assign automatically.
M51: IP ADDRESS PRESET Set the IP address of this unit.
• IP address cannot be set when DHCP is set to “ENABLE”.
• To check the automatically acquired IP address of this unit, close the maintenance menu
and then open it again.
M52: SUBNET MASK PRESET Set the subnet mask.
• Subnet mask cannot be set when DHCP is set to “ENABLE”.
• To check the automatically acquired subnet mask, close the maintenance menu and then
open it again.
M4: SETUP MAINTENANCE: items relating to the setup menu
Item Setting