148 Maintenance Menu
Chapter 7 Menus
a)A jumbo frame is a frame larger than the maximum 1514 bytes (not
including FCS) of the standard Ethernet frame. Jumbo frames make it
possible to deliver larger payloads per packet. Since fewer packets need to
be routed, packet processing overhead is lower and network thro ughput is
potentially improved. (Note that this item is enabled only when LINK
SPEED is set to “1000Mbps”. For it to work, all other devices that handle
packets on the network must also support jumbo frames.)
Maintenance menu operations
This section describes the indications in the maintenance
menu and how to change the settings.
To display the maintenance menu
Holding down the PAGE/HOME button and the SHIFT
button, press the MENU button.
The maintenance menu appears on the video monitor
display and the currently-set menu item is displayed in
reverse video.
Meanings of indications on the menu
PRESET Set the address of the default gateway.
• The address of the default gateway cannot be set when DHCP is set to “ENABLE”.
• To check the automatically acquired address of the default gateway, close the maintenance
menu and then open it again.
M54: LINK SPEED Set the communications speed.
AUTO, 10Mbps, 100Mbps, 1000Mbps
M55: DUPLEX Set the communications method.
AUTO, Full Duplex, Half Duplex
For how to set the communication method, see “To change network settings” (page149).
M56: JUMBO FRAMEa) Set the size of jumbo frames.
9014, 4088, OFF(1514)
This value does not include the 4 bytes of the FCS (Frame Check Sequence).
M57: DNS1 Set the address of DNS server 1.
• The address of DNS server 1 cannot be set when DHCP is set to “ENABLE”.
• To check the automatically acquired address of DNS server 1, close the maintenance
menu and then open it again.
M58: DNS2 Set the address of DNS server 2.
• The address of DNS server 2 cannot be set when DHCP is set to “ENABLE”.
• To check the automatically acquired address of DNS server 2, close the maintenance
menu and then open it again.
M59: UPnP Select whether to enable the UPnP (universal plug and play) function.
DISABLE: Disable the UPnP function.
ENABLE: Enable the UPnP function.
M5F: RESET NET CONFIG Reset network settings to the factory defaults.
SAVE function button (F5): Reset.
MENU button: Return to the next highest menu level without executing the reset.
M5: NETWORK: items relating to network settings
Item Setting
On-screen indication Meaning
Right-pointing arrow
(c) at the right of a
menu item
Pressing the PUSH SET(S.SEL)
knob or the b/OUT button switches
to the next lower menu level or to a
setting selection screen.
Left-pointing arrow (C)
at the left of a menu
Pressing the PUSH SET(S.SEL)
knob or the B/IN button switches to
the previous (higher) menu level.