Table of Contents Index
Item Description/Reference page
[Search] Searches for either content title or
words in the contents with the
keyword inputted by on-screen
keyboard ( 79).
[Select Standby Screen]
Selects pictures for the standby screen
( 119).
[Shuffle On]/
[Shuffle Off]
Plays all audio files in a random order
( 122).
[Slideshow On]/
[Slideshow Off]
Starts/Stops a slideshow of pictures
( 118).
[Sort:] Changes sort order of the list ( 55).
[View:] Changes the appearance of the list.
[Word Logs: Book],
[Word Logs: Periodical]
Either within a book or a periodical,
shows a list of the last 100 words
previously searched in the dictionary
( 86).
[Word Logs: Dictionary]
Within a dictionary, shows a list of the
last 100 words previously searched
( 86).
/Displays the previous/next OPTIONS
Pressing and holding the OPTIONS button for 2 seconds is
the same as tapping or pressing OPTIONS tapping
[Return to List].