Why is the S/PDIF option disabled in the Microsoft Windows XP Media Center software program?
S/PDIF is enabled in Media Center1 by changing the DVD settings. This feature is disabled because the appropriate output
setting is not selected in the InterVideo® WinDVD® software program's audio setup.
To change audio settings in the WinDVD software program
1. Click Start in the Windows® taskbar, and point to All Programs.
2. Point to InterVideo WindDVD 5, and the click on InterVideo WinDVD 5 for VAIO.
The InterVideo WinDVD for VAIO window opens.
3. Right-click in the WinDVD window.
A shortcut menu appears.
4. Click Setup..., to view the Setup dialog box.
5. Select the Audio tab.
6. From the section, Audio Speaker Configuration, select 6-channel speaker (5.1 Home Theater) or the desired
speaker configuration.
To enable S/PDIF, go to Audio Output Configuration and select Digital (S/PDIF) out to External Processor.
7. Click Apply, and then click OK.
InterVideo® software automatically detects the type of speaker system. You may notice that some options are disabled
or are not available.
1 The Micros oft Windows XP M edia Center Edition operating s ystem is installed on c ertain VAI O® c omputers. See your spec ifications sheet for details on
your computer's c onfiguration.
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