OneShot, MultiShot and ImageBuffer
This camera supports both OneShot, MultiShot and
ImageBuffer commands. With a OneShot command,
after outputting just one single-frame live image is
output. With a MultiShot command, the specified
number of images are output. ImageBuffer outputs a
specified number of images stored in the camera.
Issue the following commands when using OneShot and
ImageBufferCtr OFF / TransferDataSelect
nnnn indicates the number of frames to be output. You
can specify any number between 0001h and FFFFh (1
and 65535). If 0000h is specified, you can think of it as
being 1.
Issue the following commands to start saving
ImageBuffer images.
ImageBufferCtr ON
Issue the following commands to stop saving
ImageBuffer images.
ImageBufferCtr OFF
When the following command is read, the maximum
number of saved frames and the number of currently
saved frames is understood.
MaxNumImages / NumberOfImages
64h (100) is the maximum number of saved frames. nn
is the number of currently saved frames. It will be 00h to
64h (0 to 100).
Issue the following commands to output ImageBuffer
TransferDataSelect BufferedImageData
nn specifies the number of output frames. It is possible
to specify between 01h to 64h (1 to 100). When 00h is
specified it is construed that 1 was set.
Execution of ContinuousShot, OneShot, MultiShot and
ImageBuffer are prioritized as follows. When a
command with higher priority is being executed, the one
with the lower priority is ignored.
ContinuousShot > OneShot > MultiShot/ImageBuffer
Address Data
F0F00634h 00000000h
Address Data
F0F0061Ch 80000000h
Address Data
F0F0061Ch 4000nnnnh
Address Data
F0F00634h 80000000h
Address Data
F0F00634h 00000000h
Address Data
F0F00634h x0640nnh
Address Data
F0F00634h 40000000h
Address Data
F0F0061Ch 400000nnh