Example 3 – Typical Operation:

A module performing periodic network data transfers and communicating intervallic status information to its host would spend its non-active periods in sleep mode. If the module spends 30 mins each day on call (320mA), 30 second each hour performing housekeeping, monitoring and status tasks (110mA), and sleeps (2.1mA) during the intervening periods, an 1800mAh rated Li-Ion battery fully charged would typically provide

1800*0.95/([0.5hr*320]+[0.2hr*110]+[23.3hr*2.1]) = 7 days 6 hrs operation




The above examples are given for guidance, the actual battery life will







depend upon variables such as battery condition, number of previous




charge/discharge cycles, operating temperature, series resistance



between battery and the module, and manufacturing tolerances

LZT 123 1836