
1Press and hold to activate the video recorder or } Camera. You record video clips with the phone held in a vertical position.

2Press to switch to video recorder if the camera is activated. } Record to start the recording.

To use the zoom


to zoom in on the subject.
To adjust brightness

Use the volume buttons on the side of the phone

to increase or decrease brightness.
Rotate Pictures

If a picture is taken in landscape format, it can be

rotated. To send pictures in a picture message, the

picture must be in portrait format.
To rotate a picture
When the picture is taken } Rotate and repeat
if necessary.
Camera Options

When the camera is activated } More to view more


All phones that support pictures can receive the picture

size 160x120. Some phones that support pictures cannot

receive the picture sizes 1280x960, 640x480 and

320x240. The best picture size to view on a PC is


Options before you take a picture:

View all pictures – view all your pictures.

Switch to video – switch to video recorder


to record video clips.

Picture size – choose between Extended


(1280x960), Large (640x480), Medium


(320x240) and Small (160x120). Extended means


that the picture is enlarged to 1280x960 pixels


and can be used when a larger viewer area is


required, e.g. when uploading a picture to a PC.


Note that this enlarged size will take up extra


memory in the phone.

Night mode – enhance picture quality with longer


exposure time.

Effects – select different effects for your picture.

Frames – add a frame to your picture.

Picture quality – select quality for your picture.


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