More Features

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Time and date, alarm clock, calendar, tasks, SIM card lock, etc.Time And DateThe time is always displayed in standby.To set the time } Settings } the General tab}Time & date } Time. Enter the time } Save.To set the time format (12-hour or 24-hour clock)}Format and select an option.To set the date and date format } Settings } theGeneral tab } Time & date } Date.Date You can set the date and date format in Settings}the General tab } Time & date } Date.

Advanced Time Settings In Settings } the General tab } Time & date you can set time zone and daylight saving time. If you have activated Auto time zone, you are asked whether you want to update the time when your phone changes network. If you press Yes, the time is updated automatically.

Alarm Clock The alarm can be set to ring at a specific time within 24 hours, or recurrently at a specific time on several days. You can have both these alarms set at the same time. The alarm signal rings even if the phone is set to silent or turned off.

To set an alarm}Organizer } Alarms } Alarm and enter the time


Using The AlarmTo change the alarm time, } Organizer } Alarms}Alarm and enter a new time.

To turn the alarm signal off when it rings, press any key. If you do not want the alarm to be repeated } Turn off.

To cancel the alarm } Organizer } Alarms}Alarm } Turn off.To set a recurrent alarm } Organizer } Alarms

}Recurrent alarm. Enter the time and select the days that you want the alarm to recur by scrolling and pressing Mark. } Done to exit the menu.

To select an alarm signal } Organizer } Alarms}Alarm signal.


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