Names and Functions of Parts

Front Panel

5 ALARM indicator

4 ACCESS indicator

3 NEW CONTENTS indicator

2 POWER indicator

1 PC card

aPC card

Use only the supported PC card.

For detailed information on the supported PC card, consult your nearest Sony dealer.

eALARM indicator

This flashes when a system error has occurred. When this indicator is flashing, an error has occurred. Contact your nearest Sony dealer.


At the factory, a dummy card has been inserted. When you use a real PC card, remove the dummy PC card. Retain the dummy card. When a PC card is not being used, be sure to keep the dummy card inserted in the slot. If the dummy card is removed and nothing is inserted in the PC card slot, the ventilation of the unit does not work correctly.

bPOWER indicator

This lights when power is supplied to the unit.

cNEW CONTENTS indicator

This indicator is off, or lit, to indicate the status of new content delivery.

Lit: New data has arrived.

Off: At least one item of new data has been played or deleted.

dACCESS indicator

This indicator flashes while data is being read or written to the internal hard disk drive.

Names and Functions of Parts 5