
White Paper, January 2003

Browser UI

The browser is always close at hand, having a dedicated hardware button. It may also be reached from the application picker and the application launcher.

The browser is used in FO mode.

The touch screen makes navigation very quick and simple – just tap a bookmark or a link to navigate. The Jog Dial can also be used to scroll the page. To work with an object on a page, such as an image, tap and hold it. A menu will be displayed listing available options such as Save, Copy, Send As.

To open a new URL, click Internet and select Open Page. Local HTML content can be browsed, for example from the Memory Stick: file:///d:/Media%20files/document/menu/menu.htm

Bookmarks and other information is presented in a simple list view. Just tap the text of a bookmark to view the page. Tap the icon to view the bookmark details. As in the R380, WAP Accounts may be stored in a bookmark, ensuring that the correct WAP/internet service provider is used to access the required page.

Pages may be saved to local storage. They are kept in the bookmarks list and may be opened offline.

WAP Push messages are received within the browser and presented in the list view.

The user may organise bookmarks into user-defined folders, for example creating a folder of sports bookmarks and a folder of transport bookmarks.

It is also possible to view a list of all signed documents (see MeT example above) and access incoming WAP Push messages.