Sony Ericsson T290– 2/21
•If you’d like to access your email from a computer, you may do so by going to the following URL: http://webmail.fuse.net. You will need to enter your “Username”@fuse.net, as well as your password.
•Those who HAVE an existing Cincinnati Bell email box (Fuse, Zoomtown etc.).
Select “My Email”. You will be asked: “Are you an existing Cincinnati Bell email (fuse.net, zoomtown.com) customer”
o Select “Yes”
o Select “Email Address:” and enter your existing Cincinnati Bell email address (i.e. tsmith@fuse.net, or johndoe@zoomtown.com (case sensitive). To change the case, press the # key until you see “abc” mode instead of “Abc” mode.
o Scroll down to “Email Password” and enter your existing email password (case sensitive). o Scroll down and select “Go”
o If you see a message asking “Fetch redirected URL?”, select “Yes”.
o You should now see your existing email inbox. Subsequent returns to “My Email” won’t require you to input your “Email Address” and “Email Password” – you’ll automatically be logged in!
Other Email
Use this option if you have email with a different provider (than Cincinnati Bell), or you wish to check a secondary Cincinnati Bell email account (up to 5 secondary email boxes besides the primary set up in “My Email can be accessed).
•Select the “Other Email” option, choose from one of the available options (Yahoo & MSN), and enter your email address and password.
•If your email service is not listed, visit your email provider’s website using the “go to” option and enter your Username and Password. If you have difficulty accessing your other email, contact your email provider for assistance.
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This category offers more fun things to do with your phone! Within the Entertainment category are:
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Note: Downloadable games have a fee when you download and the kilobytes used to download the game are deducted from your monthly data plan. Games that you play online are free, except the kilobytes used while playing are deducted from your monthly data plan.
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•Proverbs: Need a wise saying to
My Info
My Info allows you to set up a shortcut to your favorite Wireless Internet information. Short cuts might allow you to quickly check the weather in specific cities, check certain stock ticker symbols, track your favorite sports teams, or set up a specific starting point when looking up directions. “My Info” is available to those who subscribe to any Cincinnati Bell Wireless Internet plan.