White Paper T610/612
Related information
•The T610/612 User’s Guide
•Sony Ericsson T610/612 FAQ
•AT Command Reference Manual
•WAP June2000 (WAP 2.0) Specification
•XTNDConnect PC For Ericsson can be down- loaded from http://www.SonyEricssonMo- bile.com.
•XTNDConnect PC, upgraded version from Extended Systems Inc.
Trademarks and acknowledgements
•BLUETOOTH is a trademark owned by the Blue- tooth SIG, Inc. The IrDA Feature Trademark is owned by the Infrared Data Association and is used under licence there from.
•Microsoft, Windows, Windows CE and Windows NT are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
•Pentium is a registered trademark or trademark of Intel.
•Palm, PalmPilot and Palm OS are trademarks or registered trademarks of Palm Inc. or its subsidiaries.
•T9 is a registered trademark of Tegic Communications.
•XTNDConnect is a trademark of Extended Systems Inc.
•XHTML™ is a registered trademark of the W3C.