To delete contacts

From standby select Menu } Contacts select a contact,

press .

From standby select Menu } Contacts } Options } Advanced } Delete all contacts } Yes and } Yes. Names and numbers on the SIM card are not deleted.

Speed dialling

Save numbers in positions 1-9 in your phone to access them easily.

To set or replace speed dialling numbers

1From standby select Menu } Contacts } Options } Speed dial.

2Scroll to the position } Add or } Replace and select a phone number.

To speed dial

From standby, enter a speed dial number 1-9 } Call.


If your subscription includes an answering service, callers can leave a voicemail message when you cannot answer a call.

To save your voicemail number

Press and hold } Yes enter the number } OK. You can get the number from your service provider.

To call your voicemail service

If you have saved your voicemail number, press and hold



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