To add words to My words dictionary

1Select My words.

2 Select Add.

3 Write the new word and select Done.

4 Select Save.

To change 1st and 2nd dictionary languages for text prediction

1Select More > Text options and mark the Predictive text check box.

2Select 1st language or 2nd language.

3 Select a language from the list.

4 Select Save.

To activate Auto capitalization

Mark the Auto capitalization check box.

To access the on-board help

1From Standby select Main menu > More > Help.

2Select Handwriting recognition. The help text for handwriting recognition is displayed.

2Rotate the Jog Dial.

To set the volume for ringtone, alarm and message alerts

1Select > Volume.

2Select the corresponding slider.

3 Rotate the Jog Dial.

To set the phone to silent

1Select > Volume.

2Mark the Silent mode check box.

From Standby you can press and hold

down to switch silent mode on or off.

Transfer sound

During an ongoing call or when listening to, for example, Music player you can transfer the sound to a connected accessory such as a Bluetooth headset.

To transfer sound

1Select > Volume.

2Select More > Transfer sound.


To set the ear speaker volume during a phone call

Rotate the Jog Dial.

To set the multimedia volume

1Select > Volume > Multimedia.

Importing phone book entries

You can import contact information by:

Copying phonebook entries stored on your SIM card.

Getting to know the phone 19

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