2 Select Yes.

To send pictures to a remote screen

Picture gallery

1 From Standby select Main menu >

Multimedia > Picture gallery.

In Picture gallery you can view, send

2 Select More > Use as and mark

and use pictures saved in your Phone

Remote screen.

memory or on the Media memory.

3 Select the Bluetooth™ accessory from

To use a picture

the list.

4 Open a picture. It will automatically be

1 From Standby select Main menu >

sent to the remote screen.

Multimedia > Picture gallery.


2 Select a picture.

Picture editor

3 Select More > Use as.

Using Picture editor, you can crop,

4 Select an option.

rotate and resize images. You can add


To show pictures as a slide show

layers with clipart and frames. There

are tools for drawing on the image

1 From Standby select Main menu >

using the stylus, as well as a text tool

Multimedia > Picture gallery.

for formatting and inserting text into

2 Browse to the folder containing the

the image. There are also filters for


effects and picture correction.

3 Select More > Slideshow > Slideshow


settings to, for example, set transition

To edit a picture

effects and add a soundtrack.

1 From Standby select Main menu >

4 Select More > Slideshow > Start

Multimedia > Picture gallery.


2 Select a picture.

Remote screen

3 Select More > Edit picture.

4 Select More > Help to read more

You can use a compatible Bluetooth™

about the features and how to use

accessory to view pictures on a


remote screen such as a TV. For a list


of compatible accessories go to

When you insert a picture in a picture


message you can open Picture editor


from there.


Imaging 41

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