Emergency calls

Your phone supports international emergency numbers, for example, 112 and 911. These numbers can normally be used to make an emergency call in any country/region, with or without a SIM card inserted, if a GSM network is within range.

In some countries/regions, other emergency numbers may also be promoted. Your network operator may have saved additional local emergency numbers on the SIM card.

To make an emergency call

Enter, 112, for example } Call.

To view your local emergency numbers

From standby select Menu } Contacts } More } Options

}Special numbers } Emergency nos..


To add a contact

1From standby select Menu } Contacts } New contact } Add.

2Select Name: } Add enter a name } OK.

3Select New number: } Add enter a number } OK.

4For phone contacts only, select an option. Scroll between tabs and select fields to enter more information. To enter symbols such as @ } More } Add symbol and select a symbol } Insert. To save the contact, } Save.

Enter the + sign and country/region code with all numbers. % 17 Entering letters.


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