SIM card lock

The SIM card lock protects your subscription from unauthorized use. Most SIM cards are locked at time of purchase. If the SIM card lock is on, you have to enter a PIN (Personal Identity Number) every time you turn on your phone. If you enter your PIN incorrectly three times in a row, the SIM card is blocked and the message PIN blocked is displayed. To unblock it, you need to enter your PUK (Personal Unblocking Key). Your PIN and PUK are supplied by your network operator. You can edit your PIN and select a new four- to eight-digit PIN.

To unblock your SIM card

1When PIN blocked is displayed, enter your PUK } OK.

2Enter a new four- to eight-digit PIN } OK. Re-enter the new PIN to confirm } OK.

To edit your PIN

1From standby select Menu } Settings } General

} Security } Locks } SIM protection } Change PIN.

2Enter your PIN } OK.

3Enter a new four- to eight-digit PIN } OK. Re-enter the new PIN to confirm } OK.

If the message Codes do not match appears when you edit your PIN, the new PIN is entered incorrectly. If the message Wrong PIN appears, followed by Old PIN: you entered your old PIN incorrectly.

To turn the SIM card lock on or off

1From standby select Menu } Settings } General

} Security } Locks } SIM protection } Protection and select On or Off.

2Enter your PIN } OK.


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