To set reminders

1From standby select Menu } Organizer } Tasks and select a task } More } Reminders.

2Follow step 2 and 3 in % 67 To set reminders options.

A reminder option set in Tasks affects a reminder option set in the calendar.

To send a task

1From standby select Menu } Organizer } Tasks and select a task for a certain day.

2} More } Send and select a transfer method.


Make notes and save them in a list. You can also view notes in standby.

To add a note

1From standby select Menu } Organizer } Notes } New note } Add.

2Enter the note } Save.

To edit notes

1From standby select Menu } Organizer } Notes and select a note.

2} More } Edit and edit the note } Save.


Use the calculator to add, subtract, divide and multiply. From standby select Menu } Organizer } Calculator:

To select ÷ x - + . % =, press or .

To delete a figure, press .

Please note that the accuracy of the calculator is limited.


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