Sound Performance Lab Parametric Equalizer SET-UP Applcations, Mastering With Optimizer

Models: Parametric Equalizer

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For precise location of the fre- quency you want, set the Boost/Cut control fully clock- wise to provide maximum boost.

Use the Output to compensate for level changes.

The Optimizer is ideal for equalizing stereo signals.




PARAMETRIC SET-UP: To use the Optimizer as a dual- channel, parametric equalizer proceed as follows:

Set all filters to PARAMETRIC

Set to DUAL mode and ensure MASTER BYPASS is out.

Use filter ACTIVE control to set up one equalizer sec-


at a time.

Select appropriate frequency range for each filter.

Set Q initially to midway point.

SETTING UP PROCEDURE: When trying to locate the pre- cise frequency range requiring adjustment, set the Boost/Cut (+/-) control fully clockwise to provide maximum boost. By sweeping through the entire frequency range, it should be easy to locate the precise frequency range that needs cutting or boosting. Once found, the Boost/Cut control can be backed off to provide the desired degree of cut or boost and the Q setting adjusted by ear. Initially, it helps to bypass the other equalizer sections so that you can work on each equali- zer independently.

When the equalizer sections have been set independently, they can be switched in simultaneously and further adjust- ments made if required. The Output control can be used to restore any level change caused by intensive EQ cutting or boosting.

For 4-band Mono use, set the Dual switch to out and pro- ceed as described for stereo operation. In this mode, up to four equalizer bands can be employed at one time. If fewer are required, the unused bands should be individually bypas- sed using the appropriate Active button. If only two bands are needed, it is best to use the Optimizer in Dual mode, as this provides the shortest signal path between input and out- put.

Apart from the Optimizer’s more conventional applicati-







Master out-

Input filter

Output filter

stages 1 and 3

stages 2 and 4



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Sound Performance Lab Parametric Equalizer owner manual SET-UP Applcations, Mastering With Optimizer