OPERATOR’S MANUAL 1182299 REV 3 (05/05) DRAFT PAGE 19 OF 64
HOT TOP SECTIONSRange can be ordered with a hot-top section replacing one or more open-top burner sections. Each hot-top
is controlled by a knob on the front control panel.
To light the pilots of a hot-top section, do the following:
1. Raise or remove hot-top plate. Every two burners have one pilot located at the front and in between
2. Light the pilot.
3. Pilot flame should be steady blue, large enough to effect ignition.
3. Turn burner valve completely on. The sharp blue flame should be approximately 1/4" to 3/8" high.
5. Replace hot top plate.
NON-THERMOSTATIC GRIDDLE SECTIONSRanges can be ordered with thermostatic or non-thermostatic griddle sections. Each griddle is controlled by
a knob on the front control panel.
At the end of each use, allow griddle to cool normally. After griddle has cooled, coat griddle surface with a
light film of cooking oil to protect surface from moisture.
To light the pilots of a non-thermostatic griddle section, do the following:
1. Raise griddle at front so it is approximately 8" high and block it with two (2) two-by-fours.
2. Ignite pilot tube located under all burners with port at each side of burners. Pilots are supplied and
adjusted by a common valve located below the filter on the manifold.
3. Burners should have 1/2" to 5/8" steady blue flame. Adjust if necessary.
4. Lower griddle into position and observe burner operating characteristics through holes in valve panel.
THERMOSTATIC GRIDDLESRanges can be ordered with thermostatic or non-thermostatic griddle sections. Each griddle is controlled by
a knob on the front control panel.
At the end of each use, allow griddle to cool normally. After griddle has cooled, coat griddle surface with a
light film of cooking oil to protect surface from moisture.
To light the pilots of a thermostatic griddle section, do the following:
1. Raise griddle at front so it is approximately 8" high and block it with two (2) two-by-fours.
2. The sensing bulbs must be fully inserted into their tubular holders, which are welded to the underside of
the griddle.
3. One pilot tube is located under all burners with ports at each side of the burners. Pilots are supplied and
adjusted by a common valve on the manifold. Ignite pilots.
4. Set thermostat dials to maximum, one at a time.
5. Burners should have 1/2" to 5/8" steady blue flame. Adjust if necessary.
6. Lower griddle carefully into position taking extreme care that capillary tubes are coiled under manifold in
valve panel compartment. NEVER leave any part of the capillary tube in the burner compartment.
7. Observe burner flame through holes in valve panel, turn thermostat dial at maximum for ten minutes,
then turn dial to “LOW” and adjust bypass on thermostat so there is a 1/8" minimum and 1/4" maximum
flame at each port.