drives, which may destroy the original data in the dri ves.
War ni ng : Make sure the data in drives is no longer in use before creating
RAID Array.
5. Next, the Array Name input line appears for the user to key in a name for
the newly created array. The effective characters for an array name is
‘0’-‘9’, ‘A’-‘Z’, ‘a’-‘z’, space and underscore.
6. After the RAID array has been created successfully, its information shows
up at RAID Array List.
Note: RAID 0 cannot be used for parallel ATA drives connected at the same
channel. RAID 0 cannot be used for mixed parallel and serial ATA
2.2.2 Create RAID 1 Mirroring for Reliability
1. Press ‘Enter’ key to activate this item. An ‘M’ flash cursor appears at the
‘Drive Select Menu’ for the user to choose the first drive for RAID 1.
2. Use ‘Space’ key to choose the desired drive for RAID 1. Then flash cursor
changes to an ‘m’ flash cursor for the user to choose the second drive for
3. The prompt ‘Create RAID 1(Y/N)’ appears after two drives are properly
4. Press ‘Y’, and then some necessary information will be written to drives,
which maybe destroy the original data in the drives.
War nin g: Make sure the data in drives is no longer in use before creating
RAID Array.
5. Next, the Array Name input line appears for the user to key in a name for
the newly created array. The effective characters for an array name is
‘0’-‘9’, ‘A’-‘Z’, ‘a’-‘z’, space and underscore.