SY-6VZA Quick Start Guide
ØVIA Bus Master Driver
This is the VIA busmaster driver for Windows 95/98. Only install ONE type of busmaster driver, and make sure to uninstall your previous busmaster driver first..
ØVIA VxD Driver
This is the VXD driver for the AGP port in your Apollo Pro chipset.
ØSOYO CD Xpress Utility
This utility will enhance your
ØSystem Monitor Utility
Your motherbaord comes with a hardware monitoring IC. By installing this utility Temperature, Fan speed and Voltages can be monitored. It is also possible to set alarms when current system values exceed or fall below
ØCreative Ensoniq Sound Drivers
These drivers have to be installed if the user wants to make use of the
Select which driver you want to install and click OK, or click Cancel to return to the main menu. When the installation program of a driver starts running the
Note: Once you have selected a driver, the system will automatically exit the SOYO CD to begin the driver installation program. When the installation is complete, most drivers require to restart your system before they can become active.
Install the drivers in sequence, starting with the VIA IRQ remapping utility. After installing all drivers above, if you use Windows 95, first install the
USB supplement before installing the AGP driver that came with your AGP card.
The USB supplement is available on the Windows OSR 2 or above CD in the following directory:\OSR2\usbsupp.exe
It also can be downloaded from www.microsoft.com
If you want to see all the drivers available on the SOYO