Chapter 7. Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and Repairs
Handling of Tape Cartridges
Proper handing of tape cartridges is essential to insuring data integrity.
• Tape cartridges must be kept in a clean, dust-free environment. Store tape
cartridges in a sealed container (the individual tape case or the 15-slot cartridge
packs with the dust cover installed) when they are not loaded in the library. The
Spectra Logic Pack RackTM cartridge storage system is recommended for storing
• Avoid abusive handling or dropping of tape cartridges. If a cartridge is
inadvertently dropped, inspect it for damage. The dust cover on the cartridge must
be properly seated or it could cause a jam condition in the tape drive.
• Cartridges should be used under the following conditions:
• Temperature: 41oF to 113oF (5oC to 45oC)
• Relative Humidity: 20 percent to 80 percent (non-condensing)
• Maximum Wet Bulb Temperature: 77oF (25oC)
Note: Extreme changes in temperature and humidity should be avoided
whenever possible.
• Condition of the cartridge. Before use, the cartridge should be conditioned by
exposure to the operating environment for a time at least equal to the period during
which it has been out of the operating environment (up to a maximum of 24