Section 2B:Controlling Your Phoneโ€™s Settings 28
Key Beep
To adjust the keypad tone:
1. To access the main menu,press (Menu).
2. Select Settings().
3. Select Sounds().
4. Select Volume().
5. Select Key Beep().
6. Adjust the keypad tone with the Navigation Key.
๎€…Off,Level 1 - Level 5.
7. To save,press .
To adjust the message alert volume:
1. To access the main menu,press (Menu).
2. Select Settings().
3. Select Sounds().
4. Select Volume().
5. Select Messaging().
6. Adjust the message alert volume with the Navigation Key.
๎€…Ringer Off,Vibrate On,1-Beep,Level 1 - Level 5.
7. To save,press .
To adjust the speaker volume:
1. To access the main menu,press (Menu).
2. Select Settings().
3. Select Sounds().
4. Select Volume().
5. Select Speaker().
6. Adjust the speaker volume with the Navigation Key.
๎€…Level 1 - Level 5.
7. To save,press .
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