SRS Labs SR785 manual Fast Responsive Marker, Standard Measurement Modes, On-LineHelp, User Math

Models: SR785

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Fast Responsive Marker


Fast Responsive Marker


• Find Max/Min or track peaks

Standard Measurement Modes

• THD, THD + N

• Band, sideband, harmonic power


• Waterfall


• Frequency and damping

• Octave

• Peak find

• TIme/Histogram

• Absolute and relative

• Order Tracking

• Statistics

• Time Capture


On-Line Help

Locate information on any topic, browse specifications, examine remote commands - all from the front panel.

PC (XT) Keyboard Input

Enter text and annotations quickly and easily.

User Math

Build powerful custom measurements by directly entering equations.

Input Channels

Dual ADCs provide 102.4 kHz bandwidth on both channels simultaneously.

-50 dBV max full scale input sensitivity

Built-in ICP power supply for accelerometers

Switchable analog A-weighting filters

Engineering units

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SRS Labs SR785 manual Fast Responsive Marker, Standard Measurement Modes, On-LineHelp, PC XT Keyboard Input, User Math