SRS Labs manual DataViewer, Help, Inside the SR785, The Right Choice

Models: SR785

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The SRS DataViewer Windows utility enables you to view SR785 data files graphically and save them in different formats.


The SRS DataViewer is a Windows 95 program that allows you to quickly upload SR785 files into a graphical environment, perform simple editing and cut and paste into other applications. You can add pointers and text, change scaling, and perform simple math operations. Graphs can be saved in PCX, BMP or GIF formats.


Full, context sensitive help screens for all SR785 features means you will rarely have to refer to the user's manual.

Hypertext links let you quickly switch between related help pages or instantly reference the remote command correspond- ing to any function. Use the help index to quickly locate information on any topic, jump to the on-line troubleshooting guide, browse a complete listing of the SR785's specifica- tions, or examine a comprehensive description of the SR785's remote commands ... all from the front panel.

Inside the SR785

The computational heart of the SR785 is an Analog Devices' ADSP21020 32-bit floating point digital signal processor which delivers a true 102.4 kHz real-time bandwidth on both channels simultaneously – there's never a need to trade bandwidth for number of channels. Two precision 16-bit ADCs provide 90 dB dynamic range in FFT mode and 145 dB dynamic range in swept-sine mode – enough for the most demanding applications. With up to 800 lines of spectral resolution, the SR785 allows you to zoom in on any portion of the 476 mHz to 102.4 kHz range.

The Right Choice

The SR785 Two Channel Dynamic Signal Analyzer offers more useful features and superior performance than competitive analyzers and is priced considerably lower. For more details on the SR785 and our other FFT analyzers, call us at (408)744-9040, or visit our web site at

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SRS Labs manual DataViewer, Help, Inside the SR785, The Right Choice