Regulatory and Safety Information
Safety Information
This section outlines important liability and safety guidelines concerning your new PC Card.
Important Notice
Because of the nature of wireless communications, transmission and reception of data can never be guaranteed. Data may be delayed, corrupted (i.e., have errors) or totally be lost. Although significant delays or losses of data are rare when wireless devices such as the PC
Safety and Hazards
Blasting Areas and Hospitals
Do not operate the Sierra Wireless AirCard® 580 wireless modem in areas where blasting is in progress, where explosive atmospheres may be present, near medical equipment, life support equipment, or any equipment which may be susceptible to any form of radio interference. In such areas the Sierra Wireless AirCard® 580 wireless modem MUST BE POWERED OFF. It can transmit signals that could interfere with this equipment.
Do not operate the Sierra Wireless AirCard® 580 wireless modem in any aircraft whether the aircraft is on the ground or in flight. In aircraft, the Sierra Wireless AirCard® 580 wireless modem MUST BE POWERED OFF. When operating it can transmit signals that could interfere with various onboard systems.
The driver or operator of any vehicle should not operate the Sierra Wireless AirCard® 580 wireless modem while in control of a vehicle. Doing so will detract from the driver or operator’s control and operation of that vehicle. In some jurisdictions, operating such communications devices while in control of a vehicle is an offense.
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