Improving on the original and world's first optical fader design that brought the


industry and art to a new plateau, the Focus Fader V2 is truly curve adjustable to accommodate to any style of DJ artist. Created to meet the requirements of today’s higher standards , if your style requires a smooth fade for long mixes or a razor sharp cut-off for precise scratching, V2 is the answer.

Just as it's predecessor started a movement in contactless fader designs, the Focus Fader V2 Digital Optical Fader will continue to push the envelope. No more

1.Mic/Line 3 level control: Controls the output level of the microphone/ Line channel.

2.Gain: Controls the gain of each input channel.

9.Channel fader: Controls the chan- nel output level.

10.Crossfader: Fades the overall mixer output between channels 1 and

2.See “Focus Fader V2” section for more details.

bleeding, no more static, no more wasted time, just hours of practice enjoyment and flawless performance.

The Focus Fader V2 is highly advanced and opens many doors for innovations in DJ equipment technology. Fitted with an array of optic sensors and microproces - sor controlled to eliminate the need for contacts or graphite material. V2 is as pure as the sun rays. It will outlast any standard graphite or conductive plastic fader on the market. This is why the it has a limited lifetime warranty (see warranty infor - mation section).

The Focus Fader V2 is history in the making.


Since the early days of DJing and Scratching the Phono/Line Switch had been an integral part of an artist’s performance. In recent years the new techniques in scratching have evolved to a point that surpassed the typical contact switch which is too noisy to use in a performance. This led to the decline of its use. In any art form the goal should be to move forward, the slow decline of the phono/line switch use was a step backwards. Introducing the OS2.

Just as the introduction of the Focus Fader V1 has changed the face of the DJ world for the good of all, so will the OS2. The Benefits are the same as other opti - cal devices, such as the Focus Fader.: 1. No more static, 2. No more bleeding, 3. Lots of scratching fun.

One Step Further: In addition to the sound benefits the OS2 also represents a Stanton innovation in it's mechanical properties as well. It is the 1st phono/line switch which uses a fader as the user interface. This will allow the same hand/wrist movement to be executed when using the crossfader and OS2 which

3. Mic/ Line 3 EQ: Individual controls


for low and high frequency equaliza -

11. Input Level Meter: Monitors each

tion with (+/-10 dB)

channel’s input level with peak hold



4. EQ: Individual controls for low fre -


quency, midrange, and high frequency

12. Cue pan : Fades the headphone

equalization with (+9dB/Kill) Note: Any

output between channels 1 and 2,

changes made to EQ settings will

effectively allowing the user to preview

change the overall output level.

a mix.

5. FX ON/OFF: These backlit buttons

13. Cue select:On this feature, PRE

control the signal flow of the effects

and POST refer to the crosfader. In

module. Press any of the buttons sep -

"PRE" position, the signal of control

arately to turn the effects on or off for

selected by the Cue pan fader will be

Ch1, Ch2, or Mic/ Line 3. The correc -

monitored (pre-line fader, pre-crossfad-

sponding button will light up to show

er) as a stereo signal in the head -

the effect is on. When turned on indi -

phones. The “POST” position, is

vidually, there can only be one channel

somewhat similar to the “PRE” posi -

effected. Assigning the effect toi a dif -

tion, except the singal is post crossfad-

ferent channel will turn off the effect on

er (pre-line fader, post-crossfader), so

the previous channel. When Ch1 and

if the cue pan fader is centered, the

Ch2 are pressed simultaneously, the

signal received in the headphone

effect signal is sent to the master out -

depends on the position of the cross -

put, and both (Ch1 & Ch2) buttons will

fader. In "MASTER" position, the signal

be lit. When connecting a foot pedal to

monitored will be pre-master volume

the remote output (31), the FX ON/OFF

(post-faders), meaning the signal will

buttons become assign switches and

still be present in the headphone even

the foot pedal becomes the actual

if the Master volume control is turned

ON/OFF switch. The selected button


will flash to show it is selected, and it


will light up once the foot pedal is

14. Cue Level: Controls the head -

pressed to show the effect has been

phone output level.

turned on.



15. Master level control: Controls the

6. Pan control: Controls left/right out -

overall signal output level of the mixer.

put balance of each channel.


in turn translates into efficiency in Scratching performance.

The flat handle and soft slide action of the OS2 makes it easy to perform any exist - ing techniques including the Crab Scratch. The small travel and slide motion will be a positive tool in conditioning the hand/wrist movements to be more minute and precise. In conclusion the OS2 is another step forward in the Evolution of the DJ Culture and of course as always Scratching.

7.Optical Scratch Switches (OS2) : Switches between the phono and line inputs.

8.Headphone mute : Mutes the headphones without having to change its level.

16.Program reverse : Reverses the signal of input channels 1 and 2. When switched to 2/1 channel 1 will control channel 2’s inputs, and vice versa.

17.OS2 lock: Locks the OS2 in its current position to avoid accidentally switching sources. Wherther the OS2 is in phono or line, activating the OS2

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Stanton SA-12 Optical Scratch Switch OS2, See Focus Fader V2 section for more details, Input Level Meter Monitors each