H ow We Make Impingement
Cooking Work For Yo u
U l t r a - M a x™ G a s Impingement Ove n
U l t r a - M a x™
Countertop E l e c t r i c Impingement Ove n s
Pressurized hot air is jetted at food items on a conveyor moving through the oven at a speed programmed according to cooking times.
Because the jets are positioned to reach the top and bottom of each food item, the cooking temperature is uniform.
The air nozzles apply hundreds of independent heat jets to the product and the movement of the conveyor spreads heat uniformly across the product. Regardless of the size or shape
of the food item, the product will
be cooked thoroughly and consistently.
The Result?
¥More efficient heat transfer
¥Food cooks faster at lower temperatures
¥Food items cook evenly with no overcooked surfaces, no undercooked middle
¥Flavor and moisture are sealed in
¥Texture is enhanced
¥Freshness is preserved
Holman and Star’s renowned engineering and innovation are evident throughout the
Take complete control of your kitchen operations with the one oven engineered to make your life easier and your business more profitable. The
Prepare pizzas, sandwiches, cookies, beef, fish, oven fries, cinnamon rolls and more! Your oven will seal in flavor and moisture while cooking food thoroughly and consistently no matter how great the volume.
Fe a t u res That Will Change The Way You Cook:
¥Precision digital conveyor speed and temperature control for consistent, accurate cooking time
¥Unique front access hinged door for easy placement of food items requiring manual placement in cook- ing chamber
¥Extra large 3.5" x 18.9" product opening and 28" baking chamber will accommodate a variety of products from sub sandwiches to pizzas
¥Stainless steel removable conveyor belt, 18" x 54" can easily handle 18" pizzas
¥Conveyor belt is driven with a
¥Powerful steel centrifugal fan/motor combination provides hot air flow to cooking chamber
¥40,000 BTU stainless steel burner with automatic ignition for superior cooking
¥Optional accessories include floor stand, quick connect hose, restraining cable and extended conveyor shelves
Unlike other electric impingement ovens, Holmans
our competitors.
Prepare pizzas, sandwiches, cookies, fish and more! Your oven will seal in flavor and moisture while cooking food thoroughly and consistently.
Outstanding Fe a t u res Include:
¥Compact in design, big in volume 37.2" x 30.4" footprint fits most commercial countertops
¥Industry leading 4" x18.9" product opening and 24" baking chamber to handle a variety of products from sub sandwiches to pizzas
¥Stainless steel removable conveyor belt, 18" x 33" or 50", easily moves 18" pizzas through oven
¥Easy-to-use electronic control eliminates guess work
¥Precision digital conveyor speed and temperature control for consistent, accurate cooking time
¥Large LED display for
¥Powerful steel centrifugal fan/motor combination and 6,000 watt metal element provides hot air flow to cooking chamber
¥Front panel removes easily for cleaning inside baking chamber
¥Optional accessories include floor stands and