Now you are through with the serial configuration. To save these new values,
in the Default Menu type
for Update. Finally, type
for Quit, and Lotus l-2-3 is ready to use with the Star LaserPrinter 8111.
If you are interested in customizing your Lotus files’ comnmnication with
the Star LaserPrinter 8111, you should consult the section in the Lotus l-2-3
manual entitled “Printer Control Codes.”
With the Star LaserPrinter 8111, you canuse Lotus 1-2-3’s PrintGraph feature
to reproduce charts and graphs, in the Epson emulation. To do this you must
select options that configure PrintGraph for this emulation.
If you are in Lotus, save your worksheet with File and Save,
and your graph with Graph and Save,
Access PrintGraph and insert the PrintGraph program disk in Drive A and the
font disk in Drive B. From the menu make these selections:
Configurable Device-Epson FX-80 (either single, double, or quad den-
sity-the Star LaserPrinter 8111 supports them all), using the arrow keys to
position the pointer, and
Page-type width and length values for the size of paper; this should match
the printer paper cassette used in the printer
Interface-if your printer will use a parallel connection, highlight
With a serial connection, select a baud rate of 9600, which is rate choice
number 8.