Rev. 0.70
ESC z 0[Name] Set line feed to 1/12 inch
[Code] ASCII ESC z 0 Or ESC z “0”
Hexadecimal 1B 7A 00 1B 7A 30
Decimal 27 122 0 27 122 48
[DenedArea] ---
[Initial Value] 1/6 inch
[Function] Setssubsequentlinefeedamountsto1/12inch.
ESC z 1[Name] Set line feed to 1/6 inch
[Code] ASCII ESC z 1 Or ESC z “1”
Hexadecimal 1B 7A 01 1B 7A 31
Decimal 27 122 1 27 122 49
[DenedArea] ---
[Initial Value] 1/6 inch
[Function] Setssubsequentlinefeedamountsto1/6inch.