Rev. 0.70
ESC @[Name] Command initialization
[Code] ASCII ESC @
Hexadecimal 1B 40
Decimal 27 64
[DenedArea] ---
[Initial Value] ---
[Function] Initializeseachcommandafterprintingdatainthelinebuffer.
DIPSW and memory switch re-read is not performed.
• DC1 and DC3 select/deselect status
• ESC BEL external device drive conditions
• Auto status valid/invalid conditions
ESC U n[Name] Select printing direction
[Code] ASCII ESC U n
Hexadecimal 1B 55 n
Decimal 27 85 n
[DenedArea] 0≤ n ≤ 2
48 ≤ n ≤50(“0”≤ n ≤“2”)
[InitialValue] StandardSpecications(Memoryswitch:SetsSBCS):n=0
[Function] Executesprintdirectionspeciedbythiscommandafterprintingdatainthelinebuffer.
n Printing Direction
0, 48 Specifybi-directionalprinting
1, 49 Specify uni-directional printing
2, 50 SpecifyANKbi-directional,Japanesecharactersingledirection(onlyonmodelsin-
stalled with Kanji characters)
Bi-directional printing is faster than uni-directional printing.
With uni-directional printing, printing is performed only when the print head moves from left to right.
the next line, it prints in a multiple of passes only when the head moves from the right to the left.However,
if there are ruled lines in one line of print, or if the paper feed amount after printing exceeds 1/6 of an inch,
printing is uni-directional from the left to the right.
(*1) Depends on the model
n = 2: Models that use a DC motor for the carriage motor.
n = 0: Models that use a stepping motor (logical seeking) for the carriage motor.