Rev. 0.70
2. COMMAND FUNCTION LIST• Standard Commands
Class Commands Name
Font Style and
Character Set
ESC GS t Specify code page
ESC R Specify international character set
ESC / Specify/cancel slash zero
ESC 6 SwitchtoIBMcharacterset#2(onlywithstandardspecications)
ESC 7 SwitchtoIBMcharacterset#1(onlywithstandardspecications)
ESC M Specify 7 x 9 font (half dots)
ESC P Specify 5 x 9 font (2P-1)
ESC : Specify 5 x 9 font (3P-1)
ESC SP Set character space
SO Specifydouble-wideexpandedcharacters
DC4 Canceldoublewideprinting
ESC W Specify/canceldouble-wideprinting
ESC h Specify/canceldouble-tallprinting
Print Modes ESC E Select emphasized printing
ESC F Cancel emphasized printing
ESC - Select/cancel underline mode
ESC _ Select/cancel upperline mode
ESC 4 Specifywhite/blackinversionandredcolorprinting
ESC 5 Cancelwhite/blackinversion/specifyblackcolorprinting
ESC GS 4 Selectred/blacksubstitutefunction[ESC4/5setting]
SI Select upside-down printing
DC2 Cancel upside-down printing
ESC RS i Specify/cancel rotating print mode
Line Spacing LF Line feed
CR Line feed (according to memory switch settings)
ESC a Feed paper n lines
ESC 0 Set line feed to 1/8 inch
ESC 1 Set line feed to 7/72 inch
ESC z 0 Set line feed to 1/12 inch
ESC z 1 Set line feed to 1/6 inch
ESC A Denen/72inchpitchlinefeed
ESC 2 Set ESC A line feed pitch
ESC 3 Set line feed to n/216 inch line feed pitch (approximate value)
ESC y Set line feed to n/144 inch line feed pitch
ESC J Execute n/72 inch paper feed one time
ESC I Execute n/144 inch paper feed one time
FF Form feed
Page Control ESC C Set page length to n lines
ESC C 0 Set page length to n inches
VT Feedpapertoverticaltabposition
ESC B Setverticaltabposition
ESC N Setbottommargintonlines
ESC O Cancelbottommargin