English / USA

Symbol on slide control

h(7) – stop symbol and arrow – to stop the engine, push the slide control in direction of arrow on stop symbol (h) to STOP-O.


:Hold down the throttle trigger interlock and squeeze the throttle trigger.

:While holding both levers in this position, move the slide control to START and hold it there.

:Now release the throttle trigger, slide control and trigger interlock in that order. This is the starting throttle position.







:Set the choke knob (8):

For cold start to g For warm start to e

even if engine has been running but is still cold

:Press fuel pump bulb (9) at least five times – even if the bulb is already filled with fuel.

002BA038 KN

002BA040 KN

:Place the unit on the ground: It must rest securely on the engine support and deflector.

Check that the cutting tool is not touching the ground or any other obstacles.

:Make sure you have a firm footing.

:Hold the unit with your left hand and press it down firmly – your thumb should be under the fan housing.

Do not stand or kneel on the drive tube!

FS 120, FS 120 R, FS 200, FS 200 R, FS 250, FS 250 R