Cannot Access Remote Server
Cannot Access Remote Server
When attempting to open the start page of Enterprise Server, the initial screen does not appear.
When this error occurs, check the following:
■“Is the Server Available Locally?” on page 23
■“Is the Proxy Setting Causing a Problem?” on page 23
Is the Server Available Locally?
If the server cannot be accessed from the web, but it is running locally, then the server is actually running.
Verify that the server is running locally.
▼To Verify That the Server Is Running Locally
1Log on to the host where the server is running.
2Go to the local web page. For example, if 8080 is the default port, go to: http://localhost:8080/
If the start page does appear, the web connection is encountering a problem that prevents accessing the server remotely. If the start page does not appear, see “Did the Server Start?” on page 22.
Is the Proxy Setting Causing a Problem?
The server should be accessible directly from the host on which it is running (localhost); for example, using the default port 8080:
A server instance running on localhost might not be accessible if the server host machine is connected to the web through a proxy. To solve this problem, do one of the following:
Chapter 2 • Specific Issues | 23 |