Sun Fire 880 Server Product Notes 15
Correction to FC-AL Disk Cage InstallationProcedure
The procedure “How to Install the FC-AL Disk Cage” as documented in the
SunFire 880 Server Service Manual is incomplete. The following task should be
included as Step 9c:
9c. If a Sun StorEdge PCI Dual Fibre Channel Host Adapter card is installed to
control Loop B of the FC-AL disk backplane, connect the card’s FC-AL data cable
to the base backplane at connectors C(J01100) and D(J01101).
Correction to FRU Part Numbers

Ordering DIMMs

DIMMs for the Sun Fire 880 are no longer available in kits of four DIMMs. The
following table lists the single DIMMs and their part numbers for the Sun Fire 880.

Part Number Corrections

Appendix A of the Sun Fire 880 Server Service Manual lists incorrect part numbers for
the following field-replaceable units (FRUs):
18 GB 10K FC-AL Disk Drive - this drive is not supported in the system
72 GB 10K FC-AL Disk Drive
The correct FRU part numbers are as follows.
Note – Disk drive capacities lower than 36 Gbytes are not supported on the
SunFire 880 server.
DIMMDescription PartNumber
128 MB DIMM 501-4489
256 MB DIMM 501-5401
512 MB DIMM 501-5030
PartDescription IncorrectPart Number CorrectPart Number
18 GB 10K FC-AL Disk Drive 540-4191 Not supported in the Sun
Fire880 server
72 GB 10K FC-AL Disk Drive 540-4519 540-4905