CODE EXAMPLE 1-1 System Watchdog Node Management Code Example (Continued)
static void
print_errmsg(char *message, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, message);
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", prog);
(void) vfprintf(stderr, message, ap); va_end(ap);
*Print wdadm usage
static void usage(void)
print_errmsg(gettext(err_msg[EM_USAGE])); exit(1);
*This function is used to read picl property. The value is copied
*into vbuf.
*memory allocated for vbuf must be free’d by caller
static picl_errno_t
wdadm_get_picl_prop(picl_nodehdl_t nodeh, const char *prop_name, void **vbuf)
picl_errno_t err; picl_propinfo_t pinfo; picl_prophdl_t proph;
/* get the information about the property */
if ((err = picl_get_propinfo_by_name(nodeh, prop_name, &pinfo, &proph)) != PICL_SUCCESS) {
return (err);
*vbuf = malloc(pinfo.size); if (vbuf == NULL)
return (PICL_NOSPACE);