Sample Application Program
This section presents a sample environmental monitoring (envmond) application that monitors the CPU diode temperature.
CODE EXAMPLE 2-1 Sample envmond Application Program
*compile: cc sensor_readwrite.c
#include <stdio.h> #include <picl.h>
#define HI_POWEROFF_THRESHOLD | "HighPowerOffThreshold" |
#define HI_SHUTDOWN_THRESHOLD | "HighShutdownThreshold" |
#define HI_WARNING_THRESHOLD | "HighWarningThreshold" |
#define LO_POWEROFF_THRESHOLD | "LowPowerOffThreshold" |
#define LO_SHUTDOWN_THRESHOLD | "LowShutdownThreshold" |
#define LO_WARNING_THRESHOLD | "LowWarningThreshold" |
#define CURRENT_TEMPERATURE | "Temperature" |
static int
get_child_by_name(picl_nodehdl_t nodeh, char *name, picl_nodehdl_t *resulth)
picl_nodehdl_t childh; picl_nodehdl_t nexth;
picl_errno_t rc;
/* look up first child node */
rc = picl_get_propval_by_name(nodeh, PICL_PROP_CHILD, &childh, sizeof (picl_nodehdl_t));
if (rc != PICL_SUCCESS) { return (rc);
/* step through child nodes looking for named node */ while (rc == PICL_SUCCESS) {
rc = picl_get_propval_by_name(childh, PICL_PROP_NAME, propname, sizeof (propname));
if (rc != PICL_SUCCESS) { return (rc);
if (name && strcmp(propname, name) == 0) { /* yes - got it */